Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I actually liked this part of the text! I felt as though Adam’s writing style evolved throughout the course of his book, and in the end it was very clear how well-educated he truly was. It makes more sense now, why Adam’s started the book as he did, writing as though growing up and going to prestigious schools did not provide him with good education. I really liked his point that he makes evident in the end that people are constantly learning and improving upon previous generations. For instance, Bill Gates may have seemed like a super genius when he first shared his revolutionary ideas in technology, but the pace of improvements in our society is so great and so rapid that a century from now, who knows what will be invented, easily overshadowing Gates’ discoveries! Some parts in the end really confused me, especially when Adams was talking about all of those scientific notions. Like the historical contexts, I felt like these scientific references required somewhat previous understanding in order to take out Adam’s fullest intentions of the text. However, all of those scientific references and such really made me see how well-educated Adams did become during his lifetime.

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